Thursday, January 2, 2014

january 2

today's gratitude:  warmth.  I suppose that's an ironic thing to say, given it's january in Minnesota.  The winds are blowing through the prairie, and there seems to be no end in site.  Monday's forcast gives us a HIGH of -12, if we're lucky,  -40 if we're not.  I, and so many others are dreaming of the beach, or the lawn, or hell, just not wearing mittens.   But in my house, in my car, in my is warm.  And even when I'm outdoors trudging around or attempting to enjoy an outdoor activity, I have base layers (upon base layer upon base layer upon base layer). So, as much as I complain, I am warm.  I can see the cold at close range out the window, but I am warm, and for that, I am thankful.